



Wear. Rock. Repeat. Trade.

The Ultimate

Point Based


Say goodbye to
the fees and haggling
of overcrowded secondhand clothing platforms.

Say hello to

Trade your clothing,
value for value,
closet to closet,

with points not your cash.

How it works

Snap some pics of those threads you're itching to get rid of
and toss 'em into your account to create a SHARE.*

A SHARE is a sweet little stash of 5 goodies you’re down
to trade in our Community Closet for one month.

For every five items you toss in, you rack up SHARE POINTS
that drop straight into your account so you can start shopping immediately!

SHARE POINTS are divvied up by Brand, Item, Material, and Condition…
all sorted out by our genius algorithm.

When you’re ready to roll, slide into our Community Closet
and scoop up to 5 items that equal your SHARE POINTS.

Once you've picked your faves, sit back and relax
while the owner ships 'em right to your doorstep!**

With just a one-month commitment,
SHARE gives you the quick fix you need.

No fuss, no muss...
and definitely no waiting around for ages to make a sale.

*Only $15 per SHARE   
 **Recipient is responsible for shipping