Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.

WHAT ARE The listing rules?

Our listing rules are crystal clear:
no lies or damaged goods allowed.
Try to pull a fast one + your item is
heading straight to the review board.
If you go down The Road of Deceit,
you will be charged a $10 misrepresentation fee
+ be responsible for any shipping charges accrued.

are items guaranteed?

We can offer our confidence,
but can’t guarantee
you’ll find items that will
nail your style every time.
However, you can take as long as you need
to search our ever evolving
Community Closet
to find items
that are just right for you.

do share points expire?

NO! SHARE POINTS do not expire!
Here’s the deal…
Although you’re committed to
keeping your uploaded items
in our Community Closet for one month,
you can take as long as you need
to find items that are right for you.
Whether you're spreading out
your SHARE POINTS to numerous items
or going all-in on that one showstopper,
it's your call as to how + when you use up your


Our Community Closet inventory
is all about what users bring to the table.
Since items are traded closet to closet
SHARE can’t play detective
with luxury brands.
It's your call whether you wanna pick
those high-end goodies listed in
The Community Closet.
Although an item may have
authentication papers,
it’s still up to you to ask
due diligence about any items.
validates luxury items of any kind
nor will you be able to
claim the item as misrepresented.

what costs are users responsible for?

When you're in on this gig,
you're footing the bill
for the SHARE itself,
1 item for $5, 3 items for $3 or 5 items for $1,
+ the shipping on any item you snag
from our fabulous Community Closet.
If you try to pull a fast one + misrepresent your item,
you better believe there'll be some
financial consequences coming your way.
Oh, + here's another little add-on:
If you decide to play
the disappearing act + not send
the item altogether, guess what?
Yep, you're getting hit with a fee.
So, think twice before
ghosting your shipping duties.
(See sections below for details)

what if an item is Falsely Represented?

If you receive an item that's been
playing games with the truth,
you can strut right over to SHARE +
file a misrepresentation claim.
If SHARE gives it the nod,
you'll get back the same amount of
SHARE POINTS that the item was listed for,
plus any shipping fees you shelled out
(faux-lister pays this, of course).
But hold onto your hat,
'cause here's the kicker:
the lister will be hit with a $10 misrepresentation fee.
If they want their fib-tastic item back,
they're footing the bill for shipping
their own item back to themselves.

what are the shipping expectations?

When someone swoops in + picks
an item from your SHARE, it's go time.
You've got a 5-day window to
package that beauty up + get it
on its merry way.
What about the label, you ask?
You can have it sent straight to your inbox
for a home print job,
or keep it ultra-easy with a
generated QR code.
Just scan the code at your local
United States Postal Service + off it goes!
But hold up - if you drop the ball +
miss that shipping deadline,
you're looking at a $10 "restocking" fee.
So, let's keep those shipments sailing smoothly, shall we?